Digital Health Hubs

100% Digital Leeds partnered with Local Care Partnerships (LCP) in Leeds to develop a community-based approach to support digital inclusion for improved digital health participation, with Digital Health Hubs at the heart. The approach was developed and evaluated with Beeston and Middleton LCP and the development model was finessed with York Road LCP.

Working with Local Care Partnerships

Local Care Partnerships (LCPs) are place-based cross-sector networks bringing together partners from the health, public, and third sectors to deliver joined-up collaborative care that meets needs of the local population, reducing health inequalities.

Being digitally included enables people to make an informed choice in how they engage with services. It means they have equal opportunity of access to inclusive digital services so they can utilise the full range of available health tools and services, appropriately and as necessary, at the right time, and in the right way for them. Digital inclusion supports people to manage their health and wellbeing. The approach directly supports people to have greater motivation, access, skills, and knowledge to make use of digital to better self-manage their conditions, reducing appointments and hospital admissions.

100% Digital Leeds and the LCP Development team will work in partnership to understand the health and digital inclusion needs of the residents in each LCP area. Each LCP will develop a network of local Digital Health Hubs acting as key digital inclusion delivery partners, tailored to meet the needs of the local community.

The community-based approach to supporting digital inclusion for improved digital health participation

The 100% Digital Leeds model supports the co-design of custom digital health inclusion interventions based on community need and assets.

The foundation principles of the approach

Community based

Tailored to meet the needs of a specific community. ‘Community’ could be a geographical community or community of interest. As such the model can be applied in any community so is scalable for areas of any size, geography and demographics.

Holistic and person-centred

Barriers, needs, and motivations differ from person to person. We support people to do the things that matter to them.


We strengthen the community to empower the person, supporting services to be adaptive and flexible to the changing needs and priorities of the communities they work with and in. We build on existing strengths and assets, embedding digital inclusion across services, making it an integral part of their offer.

The implementation plan

The approach was initially rolled-out across four Local Care Partnerships in priority areas with the support of over £200,000 in Health Inequalities funding, increasing third sector capacity for supporting digital inclusion.

Launch webinar, part of Leeds Digital Festival

Six key roles of Digital Health Hubs

The community-based approach relies on all partners in a place playing a role in supporting the digital inclusion and health participation of the people they work with. The approach relies on partners from across all sectors motivating people to engage with digital and signposting to the support available at Digital Health Hubs. Each partner’s role depends on capacity, strengths, and opportunity. Any given partner can play one or more of these six key roles.

1. Identifying need

Understanding when someone is facing one or more barriers to digital inclusion.

2. Motivating

Helping someone understand the potential personal benefits of engaging with digital tools and services.

3. Building confidence

Helping someone understand that they could, with support, have the ability to engage with digital tools and services, safely.

4. Signposting to support

Linking someone with the right support for them.

5. Supporting skills

Showing someone how to use digital tools and services.

6. Supporting connectivity

Supporting someone to access the equipment, wifi, and data they need to get online.

Four stages to developing a Digital Health Hub

Digital Health Hubs are the key delivery partners at the heart of the community-based approach. Developing as a Digital Health Hub is a process that differs from partner to partner. Each organisation comes from a different starting point, develops at its own pace according to resource, confidence, and capacity, and develops their offer differently to reflect the needs of the communities they work with and in. To simplify the complex and multifaceted issue of supporting digital inclusion for improved health participation.

1. Supporting essential, universal digital inclusion

Building organisational capacity to support people to overcome the main barriers to digital inclusion: connectivity, skills, confidence and motivation.

2. Supporting essential, universal health participation

Building organisational capacity to support people to use digital to engage with Primary Care services most people need, such as using the NHS app to book a GP appointment or manage a prescription.

3. Supporting specific demographics

Tailoring the organisational offer to meet additional needs specific needs of identified communities. Identified needs may be based on accessibility needs or the prevalence of specific health needs and conditions.

4. Sustainability

Supporting readiness to understand and respond to changing need, ensuring the offer continues to evolve as needs and services change and adapt.