
100% Digital Leeds is working to address health inequalities through increasing digital access and support within communities.

With the growing pressures on traditional health services and facilities, being able to use digital to manage one’s health and wellbeing has never been more essential. This can include remote consultations, managing prescriptions, using health apps to stay informed, connect with health services, and self-manage conditions. However, not having access to digital technology, or not having the skills or understanding to effectively use digital tools and resources, means that many people in Leeds are excluded from the opportunity to engage with health services digitally.

There are significant benefits on people’s health to being online. Having access to digital technology and the internet, and the skills to engage with digital health tools and resources, means that more people can live well and stay healthy, manage their long term conditions, and access health services more easily. We want everyone to be able to use digital tools and services to choose the right health services for them at the right time.

We are working across healthcare and community settings to increase digital inclusion awareness, provide digital inclusion solutions to common challenges, and build digital inclusion capacity.

The 100% Digital Leeds offer is to:

  • build cross-sector capacity to offer more digital inclusion support.
  • support the rollout of digital tools and services.
  • provide digital inclusion awareness training for staff and volunteers.
  • increase understanding of how digital exclusion might impact on programmes and how digital inclusion can minimise risk.

Digital inclusion in healthcare improves access to information, enhances communication with healthcare providers, promotes health monitoring, and fosters a sense of community support. These factors collectively contribute to more informed healthcare decisions, early intervention, and improved health outcomes.

Progress blogs and articles

Partner profile: Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust

Digital inclusion in primary care

Digital Health Hubs

Digital inclusion in Woodsley and Holt Park

Digital inclusion in the York Road area

Embedding digital inclusion within Student Nurse Programme

Inclusive digital healthcare: a framework for NHS action on digital inclusion