Digital arts participation project for Arts in Care Homes Day

100% Digital Leeds and partners are pulling together a programme of creative digital opportunities for care providers as part of Arts in Care Homes Day (24th September). This project brings together 100% Digital Leeds’s Arts and Culture Digital Inclusion Network and work with care homes.

The programme will support:

  • care providers to offer remote access to arts and culture activities
  • arts organisations to reach care provider audiences
  • arts organisations to form new partnerships with care providers
  • care providers to develop their digital inclusion offer

Care providers could include: care homes, hospitals, day services, supported living, recovery hubs, and hospices.

Improving arts and culture participation

Improved access to arts and culture programming supports the improved health and wellbeing of those who are cared for by care providers:

The Baring Foundation (2011) report An Evidence Review of the Impact of
Participatory Arts on Older People summarises some of the benefits:

  • Improving mental wellbeing, increased confidence, and increased self-esteem.
  • Embracing new and positive aspects to their identity and life role.
  • Counterbalancing the mental wellbeing difficulties associated with periods of loss which can increase the risk of low mood, anxiety and social isolation.
  • Improving cognitive functioning, communication and memory.
  • Increased sense of pleasure, enjoyment of life, and creative thinking.

The programme of events

The programme will be made up of events and activities that are:

  • Cultural, creative, or artistic
  • Free to access
  • Accessible remotely via a digital tool such as Zoom
  • Taking place on Arts in Care Homes Day or the following week (between 24th and 30th September)
  • Suitable for some or all people being supported by care providers – older people, people with dementia, people with learning disabilities, and disabled people
  • Suitable for care providers to engage with as a group in a communal area.

As there is no funding available to support this project we envisage that the programme will for the most part be made up of suitable events and activities from organisations’ existing programming, or taster sessions designed to showcase existing or future programming.

How to get involved

The project will be launched with a webinar on Friday 1st July, 10.30-11am, when we will release an expression of interest process for both arts organisations and care providers who would like to take part in the programme. The webinar will be recorded and shared online.

We’re keen to hear from partners who would like to help shape the project or share experience and best practice to help strengthen the project. There is a project steering group made up of representatives from arts organisations, care homes, and other relevant organisations which partners are also able to join. Contact