Change For The Better (CHANFOB) are a non-profit organisation committed to connecting, supporting and empowering individuals and families living in Leeds, especially those from minority and disadvantaged backgrounds. The majority of their clients are from Black African communities across the city, but they are open to working with anyone who could benefit from their assistance.
CHANFOB and 100% Digital Leeds have been working together this year to grow their digital inclusion offer as they have a shared objective of trying to ensure that Leeds residents have equal opportunity to use digital tools, technology and services in the right way for them.
100% Digital Leeds helped CHANFOB to apply for funding through Mears Foundation and they were successful in receiving an £800 grant to launch their project CHANFONLINE: Digital Inclusion at Hunslet Community Hub, offering a programme of eight weekly, free, easy-to-follow basic digital skills sessions for digitally excluded adults.
CHANFOB used the grant to purchase three tablets which allowed service users to borrow a device, free of charge, to practise between sessions. Learners received ongoing support and guidance so that they could get the most out of their internet experience and remain safe online. The tablets also allowed CHANFOB volunteers to provide support in people’s homes where disabilities or other factors prevent them from being able to attend the weekly sessions.
The programme helped 24 learners to gain and improve their digital skills and provided CHANFOB with the experience and equipment to expand their digital inclusion offer and ensure it is sustainable and embedded throughout their activities.
“A lot of people we work with are lacking the skills and confidence to enjoy the benefits of computers and the internet. They think the internet is not safe for them and are scared of cyber-crime. Many of them don’t have a device or internet. Through these sessions we’ve been able to give people belief that they can engage with the digital world.”
“CHANFOB is committed to continuing to implement concrete programmes that will help individuals in Leeds, especially adults and older people, to gain and improve their digital skills and become less isolated, more confident, and more independent.”
“We would like to thank Mears Foundation, without their financial support this project would not have been a success. We would also like to thank 100% Digital Leeds and Hunslet Community Hub and Library, for their incredible ongoing support.”
Mingson Mingina, Chair and Digital Champion, CHANFOB.
Next Steps
- 100% Digital Leeds will help CHANFOB to seek further funding to continue offering provision and expand their services.
- CHANFOB have joined the Online Centres Network and will apply to the National Databank, enabling them to provide SIM cards with free data, calls and texts to learners.
- Following the conclusion of the initial 8-week programme, sessions are now every third Saturday of the month at Hunslet Community Hub.
- CHANFOB would like more volunteers to help run CHANFONLINE, if you are interested or could help please email