100% Digital Leeds is preparing to publish our model for a community-based approach to digital inclusion, so that other councils can adopt the principles to develop and implement their own inclusion interventions. The model sets out the stages and steps that can be followed by council officers leading digital inclusion who wish to adapt and applyContinue reading “Launching the 100% Digital Leeds model for a community-based approach to digital inclusion”
Tag Archives: LGA Pathfinder
LGA Pathfinder Workshop Four
Leeds is one of nine councils awarded funding as part of the Local Government Association (LGA) Digital Pathfinders Programme, designed to support councils seeking to innovate and develop pioneering initiatives to advance digital inclusion, digital connectivity, and cyber security. 100% Digital Leeds has been funded to develop a Community-based Model to Increase Digital Inclusion. InterestedContinue reading “LGA Pathfinder Workshop Four”
LGA Pathfinder Workshop Two
Leeds is one of nine councils awarded funding as part of the Local Government Association (LGA) Digital Pathfinders Programme, designed to support councils seeking to innovate and develop pioneering initiatives to advance digital inclusion, digital connectivity, and cyber security. 100% Digital Leeds have been funded to develop a Community-based Model to Increase Digital Inclusion andContinue reading “LGA Pathfinder Workshop Two”
LGA Pathfinder Workshop One
Leeds is one of nine councils awarded funding as part of the Local Government Association (LGA) Digital Pathfinders Programme, designed to support councils seeking to innovate and develop pioneering initiatives to advance digital inclusion, digital connectivity, and cyber security. 100% Digital Leeds have been funded to develop a Community-based Model to Increase Digital Inclusion and runContinue reading “LGA Pathfinder Workshop One”