Partner profile: Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust

100% Digital Leeds has partnered with Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust (LCH) since 2020. The partnership began with 100% Digital Leeds working with individual LCH services to support the implementation of specific digital health tools, or to embed digital inclusion within discrete projects. This includes supporting patient uptake of digital tools to support the self-managementContinue reading “Partner profile: Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust”


UK Visas and Immigration are developing a digital immigration system known as an eVisa. This means that the government are replacing physical Biometric Residency Permit documents with an online record of immigration status. The documents being replaced are: An eVisa will be needed to access a range of public services, such as funding for childcare,Continue reading “eVisas”

Older People’s Digital Inclusion Network Meeting – July 2024

The Older People’s Digital Inclusion Network is a partnership between 100% Digital Leeds and Leeds Older People’s Forum. The Network brings together organisations across the city who support older people with digital inclusion, building new partnerships and sharing learning and resources. In July the first Older People’s Digital Inclusion Network meeting of 2024 was heldContinue reading “Older People’s Digital Inclusion Network Meeting – July 2024”

UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF)

UKSPF replaced EU Structural and Investment Funds in the UK, and £9,393,538 was allocated to Leeds specifically for local delivery. 100% Digital Leeds was allocated funding to increase the capacity of community organisations to increase digital inclusion. The funding had a specific focus on interventions and activities that build people’s confidence to use digital toolsContinue reading “UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF)”

Partner Profile: Hamara Centre

The Hamara Centre is a community organisation supporting residents in Beeston. The organisation began offering digital inclusion support in 2019 and started working with 100% Digital Leeds with the development of Digital Health Hubs. Hamara is now an active member of two digital inclusion networks co-facilitated by 100% Digital Leeds. As a Neighbourhood Network, HamaraContinue reading “Partner Profile: Hamara Centre”