100% Digital Leeds at Leeds Digital Festival

Leeds Digital Festival returns 19 – 30 September 2022 for a two-week celebration of digital culture. 100% Digital Leeds are hosting and contributing to a number of events that make up the programme. To be among the first to hear about events hosted by 100% Digital Leeds follow us on Eventbrite. Move More and Stay Healthy UsingContinue reading “100% Digital Leeds at Leeds Digital Festival”

A perspective on delivering online arts and culture activities in care settings

This is a guest blog written by Geraldine Montgomerie, Partnership Manager at The Swan Song Project. Geraldine is a member of the cross-sector steering group behind 100% Digital Leeds’s recently announced digital inclusion and arts participation programme in celebration of Arts in Care Homes Day. “Please Come Back”: a guest blog from The Swan SongContinue reading “A perspective on delivering online arts and culture activities in care settings”

Call for partners for Arts in Care Homes Day digital arts programme

100% Digital Leeds are looking for arts and culture organisations to submit activity for inclusion in digital arts and culture engagement programming aimed at Leeds care providers in celebration of Arts in Care Homes Day We are looking to curate a week-long programme of activity taking place between Saturday 24th September (Arts in Care HomesContinue reading “Call for partners for Arts in Care Homes Day digital arts programme”

Creative digital storytelling workshops with LEEDS2023

A series of creative digital storytelling workshops 100% Digital Leeds are pleased to be partnering with LEEDS 2023 to offer a series of free workshops to partners, making creative digital skills and software more accessible to Leeds communities, an idea born via the Arts and Culture Digital Inclusion Network. The workshops are free, assume noContinue reading “Creative digital storytelling workshops with LEEDS2023”

Digital arts participation project for Arts in Care Homes Day

100% Digital Leeds and partners are pulling together a programme of creative digital opportunities for care providers as part of Arts in Care Homes Day (24th September). This project brings together 100% Digital Leeds’s Arts and Culture Digital Inclusion Network and work with care homes. The programme will support: care providers to offer remote accessContinue reading “Digital arts participation project for Arts in Care Homes Day”