In July 2023 100% Digital Leeds appointed a Digital Inclusion Officer to build community capacity to support digital inclusion for improved health participation in the Woodsley and Holt Park Local Care Partnership (LCP) area, with the support of NHS Health Inequalities funding. The role is hosted by Better Leeds Communities (BLC), and matrix managed byContinue reading “Digital inclusion in Woodsley and Holt Park”
Tag Archives: Better Leeds Communities
Better Leeds Communities to host place-based Digital Inclusion Officer roles in NHS funded initiative
Better Leeds Communities in Burley Park will host a member of staff whose role is to support the development, delivery, and coordination of digital inclusion across the local area. Though hosted by Better Leeds Communities, the new Digital Inclusion Officer will work with a range of partners across the Woodsley and Holt Park Local CareContinue reading “Better Leeds Communities to host place-based Digital Inclusion Officer roles in NHS funded initiative”